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Emmanuel Katto's Partnership with Sanyu Babies Home


Many thanks to Emmanuel Katto Uganda for taking the appropriate actions to greatly enhance the lives of the most underprivileged, and congrats on your collaborative efforts with Sanyu Babies' Home. For Emmanuel Katto, this relationship is a personal journey entwined with family history rather than merely a humanitarian endeavor. The reason "Sanyu" is so important to them is that it was founded by the late Mr. Thomas Katto, who made Radio Sanyu the first privately owned FM radio station in East and Central Africa. This foundation is part of their ancestry.

"We are immensely appreciative of the collaboration with the Emmanuel Katto's Emka Foundation," the Sanyu Babies' Home director declares. Our ability to give the kids in our care a stable and caring environment will be greatly aided by their support. By working together, we can make sure that every child has the chance to flourish and realize their full potential.


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